
"I hear, and I forget. I see, and I remember. I do, and I understand." (Confucius)


Let me take you on my research adventure. I started research in 2016 while joining the National Central University in Taiwan for a double diploma in Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The topics were diverse but with a focus on natural language processing. Becoming a big fan of the culture there, I further decided to learn Chinese in Beijing in 2018. Indeed, I considerably value the interconnection with others. Moreover, communicating with every individual is also an asset in research! After accomplishing my master's from both French and Taiwanese institutions, I pursued an industrial Ph.D. Thesis on Natural Language Generation from graph structures with both Aix-Marseille University (Marseille, France) and Orange Labs Research Center (Lannion, France). My thesis was a great opportunity to volunteer at different conferences and research groups.


I considerably enjoy volunteering in projects. It is a great way to collaborate with outstanding scientist and share new insights on different fields. The experience of participating in different projects also links ambitious people together. During my Ph.D., I had the chance to collaborate with amazing teammates worldwide as:

  • Co-organizer of the 18th Workshop on Spoken Dialogue Systems for PhDs, PostDocs & New Researchers (YRRSDS) in Edinburgh, Scotland (2022).
  • Co-organizer of the “Doctoral Day" in Lannion, France (2022).
  • Invited Speaker at the NL4XAI Spring School in Nancy, France (2022).
  • Reviewer at the Natural Language Generation Track of the Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP) Conference (2022).
  • (Dataset) Contributor to the GEMv2 Multilingual NLG Benchmarking Environment Package.
  • Volunteer at the International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC) at Marseille, France (2022).
YRRSDS 2022 Organizers
Organizers of the YRRSDS2022 Workshop (from left to right: Javier Chiyah-Garcia, Selina Meyer, Angus Addlesse, Sebastien Montella, Vojtech Hudecek, Christian Geishauser).